Sunday, June 23, 2013

Greener Pastures

Brooke's family came out to the farm this past week and we moved the pigs to new pasture. Here's a photo documentary of the event :)

 First we gave them some wheat nibbles to put them in their shed.

Then Jeff, Sarah and Tyler helped to take down the electric fence string. Everyone helped to move the posts, which are easy step-in plastic posts.

With the fence posts moved John hooked mom's vehicle up to the shed to move it. (I think this is probably the first time she has ever towed anything!)

This spot will provide them some nice shade in these hot days! Unfortunately we weren't completely on top of planning, as we had mowed the area a few days prior, but this time of year is nice because they also start getting garden scraps! We also cut other forages and feed them that as well, because they love it and we love them :)

Moving the shed forward into the new pasture area. On the right you can see their first pasture growing up with a hog pasture mix, this is where they will go back to next. We will also seed the 2nd pasture area to this lush mix.

Jeff peeking in on the pigs--time to put the string back up!

 The pigs loving their new digs! They also love spilling their water, as you can see one of them laying on the water tub. After they created a little rut (which didn't take long), we gave them a nice little mud hole :)

Hooray for nice green grass and shade!

Lined up for dinner! Those are some happy pastured pigs.

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