Saturday, February 16, 2019

ISO Egg Lovers!

Rhode Island Red "in" the nesting box.
Despite the cold temps and mountains of snow, the chickens are enjoying longer days, as well as apples, and some greens from the winter greenhouse.

Eggs are in abundance! We are looking for a few more regular/weekly/biweekly egg customers to enjoy these beautiful brown orbs.

Eggs are $4/dozen. They may be picked up at the farm by arrangement, some regular deliveries are made to New Ulm. Our farm is located 12 mi South of New Ulm, 8 mi North of Madelia, about 25 min East of Mankato.
Brown eggs, with a few blue ones.
Chickens are fed a non-GMO ration, with organic ingredients. They are allowed access to the outdoors year-round, expect on these few exceptionally cold days.

Order by texting Brooke 507-412-7605, messaging on facebook or emailing

Questions? Just holler!

Hard boiled eggs!