Tuesday, January 14, 2014

2014 Shares Now Available!

2014 CSA and Farm Shares are available now! 

Fresh • Sustainable • Organic methods • Local

:: CSA ::
Full and Half Shares are both available--Full Shares are delivered every week for 18 weeks, and Half Shares for 9 weeks, every-other week. Home or workplace delivery is available. All CSA Shares will be delivered on Mondays and Wednesdays. New this year, we have added a couple of "boosters" to enhance your experience, as optional add-ons to your traditional CSA Share.
CSA Box Week 3, 2013

In 2013 CSA members received 122% of the value invested at sign-up!

For full details head over to our 2014 Shares page.

Note quite sure how CSA works? Check out more information on what CSA is all about.

2014 Order Form

:: Farm Shares ::  
Available in limited quantity, Farm Shares are available in $100 or $150 amounts. Farm Shares are delivered at Monday or Wednesday CSA pick-up and operate sort of like a Farmers' Market that comes to you! We send you a list of available produce, you place an order and we deliver. As an additional perk you can shop at the Saturday Farmers' Market, with no need to bring cash.

For full details go to our 2014 Shares page.

:: Other Offerings ::  

Budding Farmers Program :: 10% off Sign-up during January. You sign up with Budding Farmers and ARF simply distributes the materials. This is a great program we are happy to offer to CSA and Farm Share Members for delivery with their Shares, or non-members to pick up at Saturday market. See our blog post for more details.

CSA Home//Workplace Delivery :: Get your CSA Share delivered right to your door--literally! We are happy to make a custom delivery for any CSA member for just $25 Full Share or $13 Half Share.

CSA Boosters :: For CSA members only, a couple options to expand your CSA Share, or enhance your CSA experience. Try the Herb Booster if you are wild about herbs. Choose the Apple Booster if you just can't get enough apples. All CSA Members do get herbs and apples, this simply gives the option of getting larger amounts. See our 2014 Shares information for full details and cost.

Apple Shares :: A few of you participated in our first Apple Shares last year. We will be doing them again for 2014. Sign-up for Apple Shares will be in August. Shares will again be limited.

:: Farmers' Market ::  
You can find us at the Saturday Farmers' Market again this season! We're still waiting for details about the market location, as Runnings has moved, so stay tuned. Saturdays 9-Noon, July-October.

Brooke and John at the New Ulm Farmers' Market
P.S. We are applying for Organic certification this year! Super awesome. It's a three-year transition time and our three years is up in October! It's a very exciting time for our farm, and organic agriculture as a movement.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Budding Farmers Sign Up Open!

Alternative Roots Farm is once again partnering with the Budding Farmers Program for the 2014 season. Materials can be delivered directly with CSA and Farm Share deliveries, or for non-members pick up will be available at the Saturday New Ulm Farmers' Market (no purchase necessary). Our goal is to provide this great program to as many people as possible, regardless if you are a member or not. 

This is a great program to consider for your children, grandchildren, day care kids, classroom and more!

The Budding Farmers program teaches children (Budding Farmers) about the fruits and vegetables we grow. It is perfect for Pre-K through Elementary aged children. For 8 weeks during the season, you will receive take home nutrition information, fun facts, growing guides, science projects, recipes, creative activities, and more with your CSA box, or Farm Share order. Each week features a new seasonal fruit or vegetable that is found in your box that week. The program also includes a “Fun Book” binder where weekly materials can be clipped in and organized and a kids-sized tote bag.

Cost is $48 for the season (just $6 a week!).

It’s never too early to teach your kids about healthy seasonal food- through Budding Farmers they will cook, grow, learn, taste, smell, feel, and get creative with the fruits and vegetables we grow just for you!

You can find more information about the program and sign up at www.buddingfarmers.com. To sign up simply fill out their Program Sign Up form and select “Alternative Roots Farm”.

Feel free to pass this information along to anyone you think would be interested!


Wednesday, January 1, 2014

{2013 CSA Season @ a Glance}

Early season CSA box packed with spring goodies.
Happy New Year!

Let's take a look back at the entire 2013 CSA Season with pictures of the weekly CSA boxes and the accompanying newsletters.

2013 was our second year on the farm, delivering CSA and Farm Shares, our first year at the Saturday New Ulm Farmers' Market and our second year in transition to Organic certification. We love what we are doing and are looking forward to all that 2014 has to hold for us!

Other 2013 Blog Highlights:
Muddy Beans, Muddy Boots  {most viewed post of the year}
Field-to-Table: Swiss Chard Gratin  {most viewed recipe post}
Our Seasonal Chef posts were also highly popular, provided by The Land Connection.

French Breakfast radishes, packed for CSA boxes.

Thank you for your support and following our blog! Cheers!