Friday, September 23, 2022

Making Elderberry Syrup

Elderberry Syrup Kits

Our Elderberry Syrup Kits are available a good majority of the year. While fall and winter tend to be the main seasons where the syrup is put to use, it is great any time. Grab a kit and make it right away, or have it on hand for when acute symptoms arise.

Our kits come with a jar for storage of the syrup, herbs (dried elderberries, ginger and cinnamon), directions and what we do for dosage - most of which is shared below!

If you want to craft your own, use my link to Mountain Rose Herbs to head over and grab your own ingredients! I often add astragalus to my personal mixture. Also, check out Extra Elderberry Syrup? for some additional ideas!!

Classic Elderberry Syrup Recipe

Makes about 3-4 cups of syrup without alcohol, 4 cups with alcohol.

Active Time: 1 hour


•2 cups dried organic elderberries (or 4 cups frozen/fresh)

•4 cups cold water (distilled, purified, or spring water works best)

•2-3 tsp. organic dried ginger root

•1 organic sweet cinnamon stick

•1-1 ½  cup raw, local honey (or organic maple syrup or agave for a vegan/infant-friendly recipe); double the amount of sweetener to increase shelf life

•1 cup vodka or brandy (optional to increase shelf life, very medicinal tasting, I prefer it without)


1. Combine berries and herbs with cold water in a pot and bring to a boil.

2. Reduce heat and allow herbs to simmer 30 to 40 minutes.

3. Remove from heat and let steep 1 hour. During this time sterilize your jar (boiling water/200° oven).

4. Strain berries and herbs using a funnel overlaid with doubled cheesecloth or undyed cotton muslin bag (or use a fine strainer, but you won’t squeeze out as much juice) and squeeze out liquid (careful, liquid will likely still be hot!). Discard used herbs in compost.

5. Once liquid has cooled to just above room temperature, add honey and stir to incorporate. *The amount of honey should equal one half the amount of liquid after straining.

6. If using vodka or brandy, add here and stir until well combined.

7. Bottle in sterilized glass. Store in the fridge up to 4-6 weeks.

Source: adapted from Mountain Rose Herbs,

Interesting info:

In Our Medicine Cabinet

We use elderberry syrup regularly as an immune system booster. We take a TBSP per day, as a preventative. During acute symptoms we take 1 tsp, every two hours, or a TBSP every 3-4 hours (not to exceed 6 TBSP per day).

For children over 1 a  tsp daily is recommended, or 1 tsp every 3-4 hours, up to 6 times per day for acute symptoms ( Too much can have a diuretic effect.

When we get sick elderberry syrup is one of the main immune system supporters we grab for. We also use fire cider, astragalus tincture (our other main item used), and more onions and garlic in cooking.

Studies Show: Elderberry syrup may be more effective than the flu vaccine. Elderberry syrup shortens the duration of flu symptoms by about 4 days. (Look into Vitamin D as well!)

This works for us! We encourage you to do your own research as well. Take your health freedom into your hands!!!

For additional ideas and information, check out Extra Elderberry Syrup?

FDA Disclaimer: These statements and products have not been evaluated by the FDA. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or condition. If you have a health concern or condition, consult a physician. Always consult a medical doctor before modifying your diet, using any new product, drug, supplement, or doing any new exercises.

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