Friday, December 8, 2023

Price of Applesauce

Price of Applesauce

Next Wednesday, December 13, the price of applesauce will be going up from $7 to $8.

Applesauce is a popular product, a staple in our apple enterprise. One way we let no apple go to waste on the farm! It also takes a lot of time, our most limited resource on the farm.

For the first time since we started making it we have costed it out to include our labor that we put in; what it would cost to pay someone else to do it. We have to honor our time and efforts.

This is something many small farmers (and small business owners) are guilting of doing, not paying themselves for their time. It kicks us in the butt.

Moving into our 13 season of farming in 2024 we are being more conscious about honoring our work so we can better thrive. So we can continue to serve our community the way we want to. May we all be as robust and resilient as we can be.

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