Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Favorite Ways to Use Pea Shoots

Pea shoots! Harvested at about two weeks of age, these tender shoots taste like fresh spring peas. They have a mild, fresh flavor and are packed with nutrition. Pea shoots can be used raw, or lightly cooked. Like microgreens they are super versatile!

With Eggs

If you have been following me for any given amount of time you've probably seen my post 800,000 pictures of eggs and greens. Zesty Micros are my first go-to, but pea shoots fill the bill too!! They are my preferred when dressing scrambled eggs, or adding a layer on a frittata.

Sandwiches and Wraps

Let's just dress those BLTs, wraps, burritos and tacos, shall we! Tender pea shoots are the perfect accompaniment.

Curry and Stir Fry

I know this is a pic of micros, but I haven't one of pea shoots. We love wilting pea shoots into hot curry, stir fried ramen and the like, or mixed in a bowl of korean beef! Always topping our bowl, or adding in just before serving.

With Salad

Of course the easiest thing would be to add to your existing lettuce salad! Pea shoots are light and tender enough that I will also use them as a salad base solo. 

Health Tip!

Aim for 1 cup of raw greens, or a 1/2 cup cooked each and every day - studies show it keeps our brains younger! Pea shoots are an easy way to keep greens in the diet, add flavor and nutrition...and feel a little fancy when you sprinkle them around. 

P.S. Pro could take this same advice for microgreens!! 

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