Friday, April 6, 2012

Seed Starting Station

These are photos from last, I'll get some updated ones up, but I wanted to throw up a post with our lovely plants growing! We are planting in soil blocks, instead of using pots.  You can see the little blocks below. Going this route we have less waste, and less use of plastic made with fossil fuels.  The blocks have positive growing benefits for the plants as well, such as decreased transplant shock and not getting pot bound.  Since these pics have been taken these tiny blocks have been placed into larger ones  and are taking off!

On the left garlic chives & thyme are seeded. In the next row two
types of brussels sprouts. Then some cabbage and celery in the top
right, with some flowers below that.
We have lights set up in the basement, hung to be adjustable
over the seedlings, which sit on a heating blanket
(covered with a shower curtain liner). That's my fancy
mister on the right.
Around the station plastic is hung to help maintain
 the more humid environment and control the temperature.

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