Friday, February 2, 2018

Behind Our Name and Logo

Deciding on our farm name and creating this logo was an exciting, and memorable, time for John and I as we began farming. I represents how, in our farming adventure, that we want to do things different (alternative), while staying connected to the Earth (the tree, the roots).
After a billion different name ideas John and I were able to agree on Alternative Roots Farm. Love A.R.F. so much still. I think John's favorite alternative, way back when, was Prairie Smoke Farm (a hail to the native prairies and our garage, which is the old Hanska fire hall).
The logo began as a family contest, us all drawing out ideas and then developing it from there. Johnny was the main artist, while I penned the name. It's been a delightful representation of our vision, but it's time to retire it.

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