Friday, June 26, 2015

CSA Week #2

Another week of CSA and the first week for our B Week half shares. Everybody has joined the party and the year is definitely off to a great start. We were grateful to have only minimal damage from Monday's storm, which boasted 53 mph winds in our area. Peas started up, strawberries are winding down and now's the time for enjoying garlic scapes.

In the Box: apple butter, bunch of mint/thyme, 1/2 pint snap peas, bunch of spinach, bunch of Red Russian kale, pint strawberries, bunch spring shallots, French Breakfast radishes, head Pirat butterhead lettuce, head Webb's Wonderful crisphead lettuce, garlic scapes.

Members, the green romaine was supposed to go into the boxes, but the heat got the best of it and it bolted and went bitter. Enjoy the butterhead lettuce instead!

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